Abuse comes in different forms. This one is a mind-fuck.
You can’t explain it but you will feel something doesn’t feel right. Believe your gut at all costs, and find a good therapist to guide you through the healing process.
You could spend years of your life chasing an illusion, if you don’t wake up to it and seek help. When you do wake up to it and do the work to heal, as a human being, you will feel a wave of many emotions, especially anger for what had happened because of the time spent on the chase.
It is not an easy path but have faith in the process because it’s the only way get through it is through it and onward to a place of peace.
Learning to trust again will be a challenge but not impossible. The experience is life changing. I will leave it there.
We all have wounds we carry inside of us, and we also express our fears in different ways.
Seek to understand it’s a good first step towards healing.