A World Without Borders: Reflecting on Leadership and Freedom

October 17, 2024

I’m not particularly driven by politics, but stepping back and watching the current political landscape feels like observing two kids at school, each representing their own group. It’s no longer about intelligent policies; it’s become a battle of personalities. To be honest, it’s not even about two political parties anymore. One candidate is a narcissist, and the other stands for justice. Yet, politicians will always be politicians. Ego and power combine, and if we remain unaware, we pay the price — as do future generations.

Now imagine a world where someone like Bob Marley was our leader. Just read his lyrics. We are all born free, but systems, fears, and structures have caged us. Our minds are scripted to expect predictable outcomes, leaving us far from free. Those we dismiss as “cuckoos,” hugging trees or living alternative lifestyles, are they really the problem? Or are they simply rejecting the mess we’ve created?

If Bob Marley were in power, maybe there would still be human errors, but would we have as many wars? Why do we always expect leaders to fit a particular mold? Perhaps if we lived in the present and breathed freely, we’d see life and leadership differently. The good ones shy away from politics because it requires emotional stamina — an exhausting landscape that often overlooks morality. How do so many still fail to see that Trump has moral issues? Yet they turn a blind eye for their own selfish reasons.

In a world truly driven by freedom, not ego or money, boundaries would be redefined, and so would leadership. I hope future generations see it differently, even if I’m not around to witness it.


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