I have been to Palestine. I traveled there with a non-violent activist group, whose goal was to create awareness of the situation there, for the average person like myself. I don’t speak or write about it much—not because I have nothing to say, but because I don’t know how to say it. What I saw with my own eyes is beyond analysis, beyond debate. It is not complicated. It is not about religion. It is about a people being displaced, brutalized, and erased while the world watches, justifying it with narratives fed to them by those in power.
We were not curious enough. We blindly believed one side because they looked like the side we could believe. Not me. The world powers. The U.S. The media. But if you went there, if you saw it yourself, if you processed it with your own mind, you would question everything you thought you knew. You would understand that this is not a conflict. It is theft, violence, and occupation – a genocide happening on a daily basis.
We have been supporting a side that breaks into someone’s home, kills them, and claims that home as their own. And we justify it. We repeat the narratives we’ve been given, never asking why. Never questioning if we are being told the truth.
I know for a fact, having been there, that the media is lying. It is not telling the whole story. It is biased beyond belief. And yet, so many people build their stance on what they see on a screen rather than what they could see with their own eyes—if only they cared enough to look.
If we truly believe in justice, in humanity, in the dignity of every life, then we must start by asking ourselves a simple question: Why have we accepted this as normal? Because once you ask that, you cannot unsee the answer.