Boundaries: A Poem on Fear and Self-Respect

June 15, 2024

Boundaries, oh fragile lines we draw,
A human act, not divine, not perfect,
Not from pulpits nor couches of therapy,
But from hearts, trembling or strong.

Some sketch boundaries from shadows of fear,
“If you say these words, you’ll find no echo here,”
They shun truths, hide from their own reflections,
In silence, in defenses, in harsh rejections.

Fear whispers, “Hide, protect, avoid the pain,”
And so, boundaries become a chain,
Not to shield but to flee from the storm,
To keep the demons at bay, to conform.

Yet, another boundary rises from within,
A boundary that speaks of self-respect, akin
To a lighthouse guiding through the foggy night,
Declaring, “I am worthy, I will stand and fight.”

For self-love is the cornerstone of this wall,
Not to shut others out, but to stand tall,
To say, “I will not accept your falsehoods,
Nor bend to the will of misunderstood.”

In love, I build my boundary firm,
I do not adapt to dishonesty’s term,
I cherish my truth, my values clear,
And if you falter, I remain sincere.

So, ponder these lines we carve and keep,
Are they driven by fear, do they make us weep?
Or do they rise from love, a beacon bright,
Guiding us through the darkness, into the light?

For boundaries, dear human, are not mere lines,
But reflections of our hearts, our inner shrines,
Built from fear or love, the choice is ours,
To hide away or bloom like flowers.

Embrace the boundaries that nurture your soul,
Let them be driven by love, making you whole,
And as you draw your lines, let this be clear,
Your worth is boundless, your heart sincere.


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