Emotional Freedom

September 25, 2024

For so many, freedom means financial success. For me, though, it’s emotional freedom that matters. Financial freedom still ties you to something—an ongoing need to maintain a certain level of wealth to keep feeling ‘free.’ It’s a cycle where you’re constantly chasing after something external. But emotional freedom? Once you taste that, I don’t think it’s something you can undo. It’s deeper. It stays with you.

As I’ve gotten to know myself more, I’ve stopped caring about what others think. That’s one of the biggest achievements I’ve had. The constant chase to be understood? I’ve let that go. It’s exhausting trying to explain yourself to people who might not even care to understand. And once you stop chasing after that, it’s a huge leap forward.

I’m still open, though. If someone genuinely wants to understand me, I’ll meet them halfway. But I no longer waste my energy trying to convince people who don’t want to see me for who I am. That’s where emotional freedom comes in—accepting that people will walk their own paths, and you have no control over how they choose to understand or not understand you.

It is what it is.

Freedom for me now is letting go of that need for control. It’s about letting people take their own journeys, their own steps, and releasing any attachment to how they perceive me. I’m done with caring about how others define me or what they believe.

My peace comes from within, and that’s something no amount of money can buy or take away.


The Paradox of Being

The Paradox of Being

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