Enough with Zoos: Stop Hurting Other Lives in Our Ignorance

October 1, 2024

As I reflect on the existence of zoos, I can’t help but feel a deep discomfort with the way animals are locked up for human entertainment. Why do animals have to be put in cages so we can pay a fee and have a weekend activity? They belong in their own habitats, yet we imprison them to entertain ourselves and our children, without truly understanding or connecting with their lives.

We use these majestic creatures as tools for our amusement, but at what cost? We’re doing more harm than good. We convince ourselves that zoos are educational, but the truth is, our ignorance and contradictions as a human race have led us to this point. Enough already. It’s time to stop the exploitation, recognize the damage, and reconsider what it means to live alongside other beings without causing them pain.


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