Going Beyond Words: Trusting Your Intuition

September 24, 2024

I’ve come to realize that words, while a primary mode of communication, can often be empty vessels. People can easily craft the perfect sentence, say exactly what they think you need or want to hear, but words don’t always match the truth behind them. I used to be someone who would take words at face value, trusting what was said simply because it was said. Over time, however, I’ve learned that there is a deeper layer to communication—something that transcends words and reaches into the realm of feeling and intuition.

Pain has been my greatest teacher. Through life’s challenges, I’ve developed the ability to sense the vibe beneath the words. It’s a skill that has allowed me to differentiate between someone’s calculated charm and their authentic kindness. As Vex King expresses in the quote, there are people who use “tactical kindness” to manipulate, presenting a facade of niceness to serve their own interests. But when you’re attuned to your own spirit, your intuition becomes your compass. You can feel when someone’s words align with their true intentions. You just know.

I didn’t always trust this feeling. Even now, there are times when I want to believe the words someone says. There’s that natural pull towards wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I’ve learned to pause and reflect—not just on the words themselves, but on the energy they carry. Does the vibe match what’s being said? Is there a disconnect between the message and the feeling it leaves behind?

When I started loving myself, I began to trust my intuition more. The words people use are important, yes, but actions, vibes, and authenticity speak volumes louder. It’s easy for someone to say the right thing, but if you can feel whether or not they mean it, you can save yourself from a lot of pain. It’s not always easy, and it’s often a rocky road to get there. But when you trust your gut, you’ll find that your intuition never lies.

For me, it’s no longer about what is said; it’s about how it’s said and how it feels. Words can be frivolous, thrown around without thought or care. But vibes don’t lie. And learning to tune into that energy has been one of the most empowering lessons of my life. I hope more people can be exposed to this awareness—because once you can feel the truth behind the words, you open the door to a deeper, more authentic way of living.


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