Navigating Trauma and Finding Freedom Through Awareness

September 10, 2024

As I’ve been reading and listening to The Deepest Well by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, I’m struck by how it echoes so many of the concepts I’ve come across about trauma, much like The Body Keeps the Score. The book sheds light on how childhood trauma lingers in our bodies, often unnoticed, until it’s triggered by life’s knocks. These experiences leave lasting imprints on our physical and emotional health, and while we may not always be aware of the trauma living inside us, it continues to shape how we respond to the world.

When we hit that one big trigger, it’s like everything comes rushing out of its shell, knocking us off balance. At that point, many of us find ourselves at a crossroads—continuing to repeat the same cycles or searching for peace. And that’s where awareness comes in. The only way to navigate this, I believe, is to become aware of these patterns and step outside ourselves to observe how we respond. It’s in that awareness where we find the power to control our reactions and begin the process of healing.

In this state of mindfulness, there’s a level of freedom that no amount of money can buy. Yes, we are all flawed, and yes, we all carry trauma, but it’s through awareness that we can start to break free from these cycles and move toward peace. The healthcare system may still be playing catch-up, but as individuals, we have the ability to tap into that deeper understanding of ourselves. And that, I believe, is where true healing begins.


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