As I sit here processing the election results, I’m left in shock. It’s hard to reconcile how people could overlook the rhetoric, the actions, and the values displayed by our president-elect. Somehow, it seems the idea of economic gains, the comfort of survival, has outweighed the moral compass that should define us as a nation.
We brand ourselves as the land of opportunity and freedom, but are we truly living up to those words? This election makes me question our collective values. Narcissism and divisiveness seem to have been normalized—qualities that should be concerning but somehow are now acceptable in our highest office.
As a brown person, I can’t help but feel a personal weight in this shift. What does this mean for the future of inclusivity, for our children, and for how we present ourselves to the world? It’s a sobering reminder of the steps we may have taken backward, rather than forward, as a country that once stood for equality and opportunity for all.