This is me, expressing myself unapologetically. I’d rather be an honest “asshole” than a lying “saint.” Why? Because I believe that kindness isn’t about sugarcoating truths to spare feelings—it’s about giving people the chance to grow, even if the truth stings.
If you’re unable to speak the truth to someone, it might be worth asking yourself how truthful you’re being with yourself. Our reluctance to confront others often mirrors our own discomfort with our reflection.
I’m learning to embrace my bluntness, realizing that how someone responds to honesty says more about them than it does about me. Truth can trigger defensiveness—it’s like a litmus test for readiness. A defensive response? They’re not ready. And that’s okay.
For me, this isn’t about judgment—it’s about priorities. Time is my currency, and I’ve spent too much of it unconscious. Now, I choose to spend it authentically.
If this resonates with you, maybe it’s time to ask yourself: How much truth are you living with?
Closing Thought: Honesty may not make me popular, but it makes me free.
Your time is your most valuable currency. Use it wisely.