The Measure of Emotional Maturity: One example.

September 24, 2024

The quote in the screenshot highlights a powerful truth about emotional maturity. It’s a great litmus test: If you can’t have an honest conversation with someone about how they’ve hurt you or ask for clarification before jumping to conclusions, then perhaps there isn’t room for real communication. We often write narratives in our heads, but clarity only comes when both parties are open to hearing and being heard.

Some people are used to chasing understanding, constantly striving to be seen and heard. I’ve learned that this chase often leads to disappointment because people can only meet us where they are on their own journey. Accepting people as they are, rather than as we hope them to be, is one of the hardest lessons to learn. Words can paint a vision of someone, but it’s actions, particularly in challenging moments, that reveal their truth.

When we seek understanding and the other person can’t show up, it’s a reflection of their emotional maturity, not necessarily our worth.

I’ve come to embrace that there is no judgment in this—it’s simply about recognizing where they are. Putting ego aside to have an authentic conversation is one of the greatest markers of personal growth. It says so much about who we are, where we’re at, and the path we’re walking to become better versions of ourselves.


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