The quote by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. serves as a powerful reminder of the silent contracts we impose on others. We judge people for not adhering to expectations they never agreed to, holding them accountable to a standard they had no part in setting. It’s a form of punishment, often unfair and born from our own unspoken demands.
But deeper still, this judgment often reflects more about ourselves than about those we judge. The criticism we direct outward is frequently rooted in the insecurities and unresolved issues we harbor within. When we judge others, we’re really confronting the aspects of ourselves we have yet to accept or understand. It’s a projection, a reflection of our internal struggles manifesting as external condemnation.
In recognizing this, we gain the opportunity to shift the focus inward, to confront our own self-judgment. Only by acknowledging and addressing our inner conflicts can we release others from the weight of our expectations and, in turn, find peace within ourselves.