The Silent Mirror

September 25, 2024

You danced in shadows,
Spoke in half-light,
Words soft enough to lull the world around you.
They never saw the cracks in your smile,
The quiet edge beneath your kindness.
But I did.

The others still sleep, unaware,
Pulled by strings they don’t even see.
But your hand slipped, didn’t it?
In the stillness, I followed the trail
You thought would stay hidden.

What you crafted so carefully,
What you fed them as truth,
I picked apart thread by thread.
And now, in the space where you once led,
I stand awake, unblinded,
Holding the pieces you hoped I’d never find.

The mask you wear fits them well,
But I see the face you keep tucked away,
The fear behind the curtain.
Through you, I found what you hide from—
The truth beneath the surface.

And that’s the part you’ll never escape:
That I see through the story,
Through the carefully crafted illusions,
While the others remain in your grasp.
It was you who taught me to see.


The Paradox of Being

The Paradox of Being

We are the paradox. The thinker and the thought, the seeker and the secret we wish to uncover. In our relentless pursuit of understanding, we often feel lost...