Your Power, Your Choice

January 9, 2025

Healing is freedom, but not the kind you might imagine. It’s not about controlling others or avoiding pain—it’s about reclaiming the power you unknowingly gave away. For me, the greatest freedom lies in this simple truth: no one can affect me unless I allow it.

As I do shadow work, I notice something fascinating. I still encounter familiar situations, people, and triggers—the same things that once made me spiral. But now, I’m different. I watch myself respond in ways I’ve never responded before. Where I once reacted emotionally, feeding their power over me, I now pause. I’m more present, more aware. And in that moment, I choose how I show up.

I think back to the old me, handing over my power like a gift—wrapped beautifully, with a pink ribbon on top. I was unknowingly saying, Here, take it. Look how much you affect me. But healing has taught me this: how people treat me says nothing about me and everything about them. As long as my intentions are good and I’m honest, I can let go.

Here’s where it gets liberating: when you heal, you start speaking your truth. You stop engaging in the unproductive. And something incredible happens—people begin to filter themselves out of your life. Not everyone will like the healed version of you, and that’s okay. The ones who aren’t ready will naturally fade away.

I don’t judge them because I was once unhealed, too. I’ve been on both sides. But now, I see that my time is my currency. Healing isn’t just freedom—it’s efficiency. I no longer waste energy on trying to fit where I don’t belong. I no longer react from old wounds.

The work is hard, yes. But the reward? An unimaginable wand you hold, deciding moment by moment what power, if any, you give away. Healing is freedom. And freedom is yours to claim.


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