SAM Frida

Unfiltered – ish

Rethinking Value: The Disparity in Pay for Essential Work

Rethinking Value: The Disparity in Pay for Essential Work

In our society, the compensation structure often doesn't reflect the profound impact of some professions. Teachers, who shape the minds of our youth and future leaders, often face inadequate pay. Why is this? It's not just about budget constraints; it's a reflection...

Breaking Free: Unmasking the Illusion of Freedom in Our System

Breaking Free: Unmasking the Illusion of Freedom in Our System

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves unwittingly ensnared in a system meticulously engineered to keep us dependent and docile. This is nowhere more evident than in our relationship with the pharmaceutical industry—a sector that epitomizes the challenge...

The Crisis of Unhealed Leaders in Democratic Systems

The Crisis of Unhealed Leaders in Democratic Systems

In the realms of democracy, where power and policy should reflect the collective will and welfare of the people, a troubling pattern has emerged—one that challenges the very core of democratic ideals. The issue is not merely political but deeply personal and...

The Paradox of Human Connection

The Paradox of Human Connection

In the grand, bewildering expanse of life, each of us is a fleeting whisper against the vastness of eternity. We build our lives, our hopes, and our dreams around the presence of others, crafting a semblance of permanence in a world that is anything but. We anchor our...

“Vulnerability: The True Mark of Courage”

“Vulnerability: The True Mark of Courage”

In the world of self-help and personal growth, Brené Brown stands out as a beacon of truth, especially when she talks about the nature of vulnerability and truth-telling. Her words, as captured in the inspiring quote, “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability...

The Unseen Symphony

The Unseen Symphony

In the quiet corners of the bustling day,Amidst the shadows where the unnoticed lay,Lives a throng of souls who feel unseen,Whispering hearts, unheard, serene. The janitor with his mop and pail,Sweeps away sorrow, leaving trails,Of shimmering floors under fluorescent...

“Echoes of Freedom”

“Echoes of Freedom”

In the heart of olive groves, they stand,Children of the storied land—Palestine, with cries that pierce the day,Voices strong in the fray. Angels clad in mortal guise,In the echoes of their cries,Teaching us the weight of chains,The boundless strength that freedom...