In a world saturated with predictable plots and formulaic storytelling, the film Origin stands out as a beacon of thought-provoking content. Movies like this challenge audiences to think deeply, question their beliefs, and engage in meaningful reflection, rather than...
Life often presents us with unexpected moments that stir intense emotions within us. These reactions, commonly known as triggers, act as our internal demons, responding to perceived threats to our emotional well-being. But what if these triggers are not the...
Identity. It’s a concept that runs deep within us as individuals and binds us together as a community. It’s a reflection of what we stand for and how we see ourselves in relation to the world around us. But as we navigate the complexities of our political,...
In a world increasingly driven by efficiency and cost-cutting, there’s one trend that consistently grates on my nerves: the outsourcing of call centers to countries where English is spoken, but often in a way that feels painfully inauthentic. This practice...
It’s common for us to form quick judgments based on someone’s appearance or behavior. We often label people as “eccentric” or “weird” without considering the deeper story behind their presentation. My journey through healing and...
The Presidential Debate is an event where two candidates come forward to present their cases, hoping to convince the majority of voters that they are the right choice for the highest office in the land. This spectacle, filled with well-prepared speeches and strategic...