In the tumultuous landscape of global politics, one tragic constant remains: the suffering of innocent children caught in the crossfire of conflicts they neither chose nor understand. The haunting image above starkly contrasts the lives of children on opposing sides...
Trauma is a shadow that lingers long after the event that caused it has passed. It can shape lives, relationships, and societies in profound ways. The 2023 documentary film “Origin,” directed by Ava DuVernay, brings this truth into sharp focus, especially...
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to hear phrases like “it’s a decision to be happy,” “just get over your trauma,” or “stop living in the past.” While these sentiments are often well-intentioned, they...
In a world that often values conformity and predictability, living authentically can feel like a radical act. Yet, embracing authenticity—following your heart and passions—is the key to true fulfillment and happiness. Many people, like you and me, yearn for a life...
The Geneva Conventions, established in 1949, are a set of international treaties designed to protect individuals who are not participating in hostilities, including civilians, medical personnel, and aid workers, during times of war. These conventions aim to ensure...
In the landscape of modern HR, it’s crucial to look beyond the black and white of resumes and recognize the rich stories each employee brings. Gaps in employment or transitions between roles often hold key insights into an individual’s true interests and...