by samfrida | Oct 1, 2024 | Blog
To meet yourself—truly, deeply—Is a courage many never know,To peel the layers slowly, carefully,To face the parts that refused to show. The war within, you’ve waged so long,Against the scars that still remain,The old wounds you thought were buried,Surface now...
by samfrida | Oct 1, 2024 | Blog
As I reflect on the existence of zoos, I can’t help but feel a deep discomfort with the way animals are locked up for human entertainment. Why do animals have to be put in cages so we can pay a fee and have a weekend activity? They belong in their own habitats, yet we...
by samfrida | Oct 1, 2024 | Articles, Blog
If the United Nations is the global body meant to represent and protect human rights, and international law is established to govern how nations interact with one another, then why do we still see nations acting as if they are beyond these laws? If all humans are...
by samfrida | Sep 30, 2024 | Blog
It’s no surprise that the most effective healers are those who have walked through the same fires as the ones they seek to help. Pain, hardship, and struggle are universal experiences, but those who emerge with their authenticity intact are the ones who can...
by samfrida | Sep 30, 2024 | Blog
The hardest part of life’s storms is that we don’t authorize them, and we don’t get to choose how they change us. It feels like the power is stripped from our hands, often given to someone who never deserved it. We grieve the innocence that was lost, the self...
by samfrida | Sep 30, 2024 | Blog
Manipulation is a word that carries the weight of something much deeper, something more invasive. To me, it feels like a rape of someone’s ability to be authentically themselves, stripping away their autonomy and forcing them into a mold that suits the...