The balance between kindness and honesty

The balance between kindness and honesty

Kindness is often viewed through a standard lens—don’t make things worse, help others, avoid causing pain. But what happens when kindness and honesty collide? When being brutally honest could hurt someone, yet staying silent feels like a betrayal to yourself? We’re...
Into the Dark Forest: Finding the Wounded Child

Into the Dark Forest: Finding the Wounded Child

This screenshot powerfully resonates with the deep, raw reality of trauma and recovery work. When we engage in true, meaningful healing, it is not a gentle or comforting experience; instead, it is a confrontation with our darkest, most painful parts. As Dr. Glenn...
The Shifting Baseline of Acceptance

The Shifting Baseline of Acceptance

Acceptance is often seen as surrendering, but what if it’s more of a shift in our internal baseline? When we begin to accept things—especially those outside of our control—it becomes our new foundation. It’s as if we recalibrate, and that new baseline defines what we...
We See What We Choose to See..

We See What We Choose to See..

Buddha’s words, “I am not what you think I am. You are what you think I am,” remind me how much of our reality is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves. What we believe about others is often a reflection of what’s happening within us. Our narratives dictate how we...
The Cost of Emotional Dishonesty

The Cost of Emotional Dishonesty

Cultural norms often teach us to hide our emotions. In Asian cultures, it’s about saving face. In others, it’s about being “nice,” avoiding discomfort. But this emotional dishonesty comes at a cost. From childhood, we’re conditioned to suppress how we...