The Presidential Debate is an event where two candidates come forward to present their cases, hoping to convince the majority of voters that they are the right choice for the highest office in the land. This spectacle, filled with well-prepared speeches and strategic...
In a world where words are abundant and communication is incessant, there’s a profound disconnect that often goes unnoticed. Words are easy to say, but their true impact lies in the vibrations and intent behind them. The quote, “You can tell me a thousand words, but I...
In the tumultuous landscape of global politics, one tragic constant remains: the suffering of innocent children caught in the crossfire of conflicts they neither chose nor understand. The haunting image above starkly contrasts the lives of children on opposing sides...
For a long time, I felt a pang of guilt every time I spoke my truth. The fear of hurting someone else often held me back, leading me to either dial down my honesty or avoid it altogether. I couldn’t bear the thought of being the cause of someone else’s pain. But over...
In moments when we don’t love ourselves,Breadcrumbs of kindness seem like loaves,A glance, a word, we grasp and cling,To shadows of love, mere crumbs they bring. How often we stumble in the dark,Blind to our worth, our inner spark.Not until we face a wall, a plight,Do...
In life, connections come and go,Paths diverge, directions flow.No judgment lingers in this fate,Just nature’s course, a shifting state. Friends who once were close and dear,Lessons now, in memories clear.Once companions, now acquaintances, true,Some become strangers,...